Keith, thanks for your patient to answer these!!

> > 1. It seems that XFT is so good, so what's about the conventional fonts
> > module inside X, like the xtt, freetype, type1, etc...
> The X server can still provide fonts for applications not yet ported to 
> Xft.  These modules will be useful as long as you have some older 
> applications left around.
Do you mean that, these two module is stable enough, and no active development works 
is carried on these?

> > 3. If I want to use XFT, should I use DRI modules??
> The older Xft did require the Render extension, but all XFree86-based X 
> servers have provided that for over a year now, including those built from 
> sources directly from the DRI project.
> The new Xft (not yet released, but in CVS) doesn't even need Render and 
> will work on any X server.

I have heard something about Xft2, I even get a copy of it from somewhere, I forget, 
but it is binary. I remember that, I can't find the source from that site.
Anyway, what's the version of Xft which is considered latest, and what's the version 
included in XFree86-4.2?

I also heard about fontconfig, by the paper on you web site, but is it include in 
Again, what's the current version. May I have some more references relating to 

Though, I know that these two libraries (Xft, and fontconfig) is develop and maintain 
by Keith, but does it have a official website, or these two library won't have a 
website due to the fact that, it is under XFree??

> > 6. In xtt, the ttcap functions is useful for chinese fonts (I am a
> > Chinese), however, does freetype provide this, or xft provide this?? 
> >
> > 7. If similar functions of ttcap is not available in xft and freetype
> > currently, will it been in the todo list later.
> ttcap isn't relevant for Xft.  Xft provides full support for all TrueType
> and Type1 fonts, and has some special support for Han languages to ensure
> that the right fonts are used in each locale.  Xft supports a large number
> of rendering configuration options for fonts.  The subsetting options 
> aren't relevant as Xft always incrementally rasterizes fonts.
Does "incrementally rasterizes fonts" means, the cache mechanism for inside Xft, ie. 
Xft will only rasterizes glyphs on demand, right?

but I don't understand, why those subsetting options aren't releveant for Xft.
IMHO, I just think that, to handle such functionality, I can add these function within 
freetype, or do something else on top of it. For the fontconfig, and Xft, as these two 
is responsible for the query fonts, and get glyphs, and render it on X. It should 
handle the case that, alias a font with regular face to italic or bold, also, get the 
desired glyphs (transformed) for the client application. Does my logic right, or 
stupid ??

I want to this answer as this direction is right, as Gnome and Kde is shifting to use 
Xft, enable the function (bold/italic transformation) would benefit more than any 
other possible solution. 

Sorry for my long and a little bit stupid question, as I am new to this field, I am 
working very hard on studying more material relating to these issue : )

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