On Tuesday 20 August 2002 9:55 pm, Juliusz Chroboczek wrote:
|  PS> You should also decide on an extenson name other than .ttf,
|  I'm thinking of using .otf.  The OpenType spec explicitly allows
|  bitmap-only OTF fonts.
|  It should also be legal to generate .ttf fonts, under the condition
|  that I generate at least one entry in each of hmtx, glyf, and loca
|  (which I'm doing by default right now).

See my another mail:

Fonts made by James H. Cloos Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, URL: 

are displayed o.k. by ftview in TrueType format, but ftview dispalys nothing 
for .otf format.
Tested with ftview/freetype 2.1.1

|  PS> to avoid that those bitmap only ttf files get confused wwith real
|  PS> scalable fonts by people out there, otherwise there would be a lot
|  PS> of bad consequences.
|  By default, I'm generating fonts which are perfectly valid TTF fonts.
|  To a non-sbit aware rasteriser, they will appear as fonts with only
|  one blank scalalble glyph.
|  The good thing is that no existing software should crash on them.  The
|  bad thing is that existing software will happily use them, which may
|  lead to user confusion.
|  The alternative is to generate no loca or glyf tables at all, and
|  using the ``OTTO'' signature in the font's header.  Existing software
|  should refuse to load such fonts, which will minimise user confusion.
|  I'm waiting for the FreeType crowd to decide whether they wish to
|  support such fonts.
|                                          Juliusz
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