Around 16 o'clock on Oct 18, Jungshik Shin wrote:

>   Hmm, things are getting more interesting. After I removed Ngulim.ttf
> from my font path and then put it back (I ran fc-cache before testing),
> suddenly Mozilla picks up U+1160 glyph from Code2000. The same is true of
> 'gedit' when Code2000 is specified as a font to use. Is it at the
> whim of electrons whirling around inside my computer :-) ?

fc-cache ignores directories which are older than the associated cache 
file; you have to use the '-f' option to force it to rescan the files.  
The cache holds the list of available characters in each font, so a 
failure to update the cache could easily have been the source of this 

Note that fc-cache doesn't rescan directories when the configuration 
changes; the only configuration option which affects the resulting cache 
file is the blank glyph list, which isn't expected to (ever) change aside 
from bug fixes.

>  The page in question (
> and specifies font-family
> to be CODE2000 explicitly with CSS. I assume this will make Mozilla with
> Xft enabled ask fontconfig for that font explicitly.

Yes it does.

>  As for Pango(gedit), I'm less certain because I don't know whether
> Pango specifies language when sending  fonts request down(or up) the
> road.

I don't know either, but fontconfig will pick up the current locale and 
convert that to a language if Pango doesn't explicitly set one.

> As I suggested before, a kind of multi-level orthography check may be
> necessary to cope with situations like this. Or, would it be possible for
> users to override manually what fontconfig *detects* (both code range
> coverage and lang) in fonts.conf as suggested in my prev. email?

I believe Korean may be unique in this reguard; I don't know of other 
languages with multiple common character sets which are essentially 
independently usable.  Japanese has kana and kanji, but there are strong 
conventions on which words are spelled in each set.

As per my comment above, I strongly prefer to make the contents of the 
cache files independent of the configuration so that multiple 
configurations can share the same cache files without difficulty.

Remember that the language name is just a shorthand notation for a
unicode coverage table; if you want to identify fonts with Hangul 
syllables, you can easily build a charset encompassing those and ask for 
the font covering the greatest number.

Keith Packard        XFree86 Core Team        HP Cambridge Research Lab

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