On Tue, 14 Jan 2003, James Richard Tyrer wrote:

> Bill Moseley wrote:
> > Two questions:
> > 
> > 1) how can I disable AA completely?
>      <match target="font">
>          <test qual="any" name="size" compare="more">
>              <int>8</int>
>          </test>
>          <test qual="any" name="size" compare="less">
>              <int>15</int>
>          </test>
>          <edit name="antialias" mode="assign">
>              <bool>false</bool>
>          </edit>
>      </match>

Thanks.  Took an hour of messing with things, but this did the trick.

Seems XftConfig is not read on my setup, but /etc/fonts.conf is.  I added
the above to fonts.conf and didn't see any change.  Tried a very empty
fonts.conf with just the above in <fontconfig> and that didn't work
either.  Mozilla somehow broke during all of this where starting it ate
reported this forever:

  read(3, 0xbfffeb37, 1)  = -1 EAGAIN (Resource temporarily unavailable)

I removed mozilla and reinstalled.  In debian need the mozilla-xft
package so mozilla will use fonts.conf.

I removed the test for > 8, so I'm just disabling for < 15.

Here's what it look like:


Opera, on the other hand, does seem to read fonts.conf (by ls -ltu), but
is still displaying AA fonts.  I assume that's a problem with Opera?  I'm
running Opera 6.11 with static QT.

I still find it odd that different browsers end up using different fonts
when displaying the same page.  Perhaps that's a result of different
browsers use of the fonts.conf file?

Thanks very much for the help.


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