Juliusz Chroboczek wrote on 2003-03-04 12:16 UTC:
> MK>   - Lowpass filtering the glyphs in horizontal direction
> Why the glyphs?  Wouldn't you want to do that for everything that's
> displayed?

Sure, if that's feasible to implement. Text is just the most interesting
and most radio-readable part of the screen, because of its
high-frequency content. You can also do the filtering in analog right
after the DAC on the card of course. I connected a spectrum analyser to
a couple of graphics cards and found significant differences in their
harmonics output. VGA outputs of some Toshiba laptops go well above 1
GHz with their harmonics, whereas a Matrox cards that I tested seemed to
filter quite properly. I personally believe that careful selection of
the graphics cards adds far more protection than the font filtering
along could ever provide. And if you want to make a PC easy to eavesdrop
(sabotage), then just short-circuit the output filters after the DAC.
The user might even thank you for sharper pixels ... at the cost of more
radio/TV interference.

> MK>   - Replace the least few significant bits with pseudo-random bits for each
> MK>     usage of a glyph on the screen.
> Are you implying that what the eavesdroppers get is the derivative of
> the signal rather than the signal itself?

Not quite, but something similar. For analog displays (CRTs), they get a
high-pass filtered version of the video signal, replicated throughout
the spectrum by the discrete sampling. If you have a 100 MHz pixel
clock, then any arbitrary 50 MHz band in the upper VHF or lower UHF
range will contain a complete copy of a high-pass filtered version of
the full pixel information. Therefore, continuous-tone images (JPEG
photos, etc.) are practically impossible to see for an eavesdropper,
unless they are dithered significantly.


Markus Kuhn, Computer Lab, Univ of Cambridge, GB
http://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/~mgk25/ | __oo_O..O_oo__

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