On Fri, 8 Aug 2003, Pablo Saratxaga wrote:
> On Fri, Aug 08, 2003 at 06:59:43PM +0900, Chisato Yamauchi wrote:
> >   But Gtk2 has not complete font-substitution mechanism.
> > Therefore, Gtk2 is insufficient in CJK environment.
> GTk2, using pango, has builtin fontset mechanism.
> (it is always enabled, and automatically build, depending on language
> and language coverage of available fonts).

  Certainly this is true as long as you use Pango, but not all
Gtk2 applications use Pango.  Moreover, the font selection widget in Gtk2
does not have the UI  to let users specify multiple fonts (CSS-like).
Apparently, Qt has this UI according to Yamuchi-san.

> > So I *NEVER* use Gtk2-mozilla.  It has no flexibility of a
> > font setting.
> Mozilla doesn't use Gtk2/pango text rendering mechanisms to render
> html pages.
> So, you cannot judge the font abilities of Gtk2 toolkit with mozilla.

  Well, when rendering html/xml pages, Mozilla has its own 'fontset/font
substitution' mechanism of a sort (based on fontconfig in case of
Xft build. X11core build is very complicated partly because it has to
support the CSS-style font list in its own without any help of fontconfig
fielding through 'the jungle of XLFD-based fontnames.) that is very
similar to what you wrote above about Pango. Otherwise, how could it
support CSS-style font list?

> Gtk may choose automatically a font that looks funny, but at least a character
> is always displayed in a readable way, I prefer it that way.

  I guess just saying Gtk(2) is a bit misleading. Gnome-terminal
is a Gtk(2) application, but by default it doesn't use Pango and
it does not do 'automatic font substitution' as you described. Set
Gnome-terminal font to 'Courier' and see how CJK characters (or any character
not covered by Courier) are rendered. They all come in empty boxes.

> That being said, it would be nice to have the ability to do user-configuration
> of glyph substitutions in gtk2; eg telling that when a given font XXXX is
> choosen, then characters of range 0x00-0xff should be ignored, and taken
> from font YYYY instead. The ascii range of some CJK fonts is simply
> too ugly... or even bugged in some cases.

  That doesn't need to be that complex. Simply allowing CSS-style
fontlist is more than enough. That is, offering a UI for specifying an
_ordered_ list of fonts (instead of just one font, generic or specific)
should work well. That is, by putting a good Latin(-only) font, a
Cyrillic(-only) font, and a Greek(-only) font before a CJK font followed
by a generic font (e.g. Serif), you can get the best of all fonts.
This UI needs to be a part of the system-wide 'control panel'.

Falling short of that, applications like Gnome-terminal should at least
(the same is true of Konsole) offer a way to specify East Asian font
separately (double/full-width) as is done by xterm, vim, OpenOffice and
MS Office. Because Gnome-terminal and Konsole don't have this feature,
I still prefer to work in xterm for which I can specify my favorite
font for single-width characters along with my favorite font for
double-width characters (with '-fw' option. I'm gonna add '-faw' option
to xterm)

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