
I found a bug in the fontrendering system of XFree (and earlier) on 
suse linux 9 as well as 8.2 systems (probably other systems as well).

The problem is that on different displays with different display resolutions 
fonts seem to be rendered in a slightly wrong size. Of course I checked that 
the DPI settings of the displays in question are correct for the monitors 
attached.  To my knowledge a certain font (here: Thorndale and 
Times-New-Roman) in a certain size should be displayed in exaclty the same 
dimensions on any display that is correctly configured. This is not true at 
the monent which has strange effects:

The effect of this bug is best visible in WYSIWYG applications like Staroffice 
or Koffice. I noticed it this way myself writing a slide. I wrote it on my 
linux desktop and then wanted to continue work on my linux laptop.  Suddenly 
linebreaks occured at different points in the text allthough absolute 
positioned graphics stayed exactly at the place they should be.  This can 
lead to a completely different layout of the document when working on it an 
another system. This happens in SO as well as in koffice so I don't think its 
a bug of the applications.  Both displays are configured correctly as far as 
their DPI (reported by xdpyinfo) is concerned. Finally I really measured the 
displays size and calculated the DPI to ensure the values displayed by 
xdpyinfo are right on both systems.

If you want to take a look at this effect look at the two images below 
(2x40K). One is a screenshot of a StarOffice Document displayed on my 
desktop, the other screenshot is from the very same document displayed but 
not edited on my laptop. Please note the different textformatting due to the 
bug and note the positions of absolutely placed graphics which remain the 
same allthough it looks like they moved but its the text that mhas moved.

Desktop: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/xfree/xfreebug90x96dpi.jpg
Laptop: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/xfree/xfreebug124x124dpi.jpg

Any ideas?
Thanks Rainer
Rainer Krienke, Universitaet Koblenz, Rechenzentrum, Raum A022
Universitaetsstrasse 1, 56070 Koblenz, Tel: +49 261287 -1312, Fax: -1001312
Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED], Web: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke
Get my public PGP key: http://www.uni-koblenz.de/~krienke/mypgp.html

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