Maybe this isn't the best place to mention this, but here goes.

I grabbed XFree 4.4.0 the other night and installed it over a modified Slack 9.0 install. Modified mostly because it has glibc 2.3.2, (I grabbed the XFree 4.4.0 precompiled binaries for glibc2.3) and kernel 2.6.3. I don't know if this is a font issue, or a problem with Xnest or xterm. But I noticed a problem. Whenever I start an Xnest (from within an already running X session) with the command Xnest :1 -ac &, then as root run windomaker with wmaker -display :1 & ... I have a dock icon that did with with 4.3.0, that basically loaded an xterm with a 10x20 font, but instead, I get this error:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:~# xterm -fn 10x20 -display :1
X Error of failed request:  BadAlloc (insufficient resources for operation)
 Major opcode of failed request:  45 (X_OpenFont)
 Serial number of failed request:  49
 Current serial number in output stream:  50

Insufficient resources? I have a 64 meg Geforce2 card and 512 megs of ram! It also happens with the 6x12 font and 6x9 font... Also, I said before, this worked before I upgraded to 4.4.0, when I was on 4.3.0. I should probably also note I'm using NVidia's latest drivers (1.0-5336). Has anyone else seen this behavior? Should I open a bugzilla account? Any help would be appreciated...

-- Fred
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