On Fri, 06 Jul 2001 23:33:21 Karen Lease wrote:
> Hi Keiron,
> It looks like you are the testing guru. Thanks for taking the initiative
> on this; I agree that it's crucial.
> I've finally got around to looking at this in more detail, as I'm trying
> to add some good cases for tables. I have one problem and one question.
> Problem:
> For some reason, certainly relating to ClassLoader behavior, if I run
> "build.sh test" in my xml-fop directory, the version checking code in
> RunTest is finding the ./conf/config.xml file locally before it finds
> the one in the test/reference/jar. The result is that it refuses the
> version since it's "FOP @version@" and not "FOP 0.19.0-CVS" or whatever.
> I find if I hide the conf/config.xml file, it uses the one in the jar
> and everything works fine. Have you noticed this by any chance? Perhaps
> it's due to a java bug - I'm using the Sun JDK 1.2.2 for Linux
> (Mandrake).

I did have this problem when an empty CLASSPATH value was added to the

Do you by any chance have any of the following in your CLASSPATH
- "."
- ""
- xml-fop dir

Maybe we should not add the CLASSPATH variable to the classpath in
build.sh, as far as I know it has no problems with only the CP set in
build.sh. (and the same for build.bat)

> Question:
> I see that the XML "rendering" doesn't have lots of traits, no Area
> Container positioning for example, no line-height information etc. Is it
> a reasonable thing to enhance the output format to include (eventually)
> all the traits which are supposed to be on areas?

Yes, this output should definitely contain all the information for the area
tree. So that in theory you could read in the area tree xml and render the
information (probably not very useful in practice).

This includes all things such as:
- areas generated
- viewports (clipping, alignment etc.)
- attributes (position, colour, fonts etc.)
- pages

I think that at this stage it may be more useful to get a cleaner interface
to the area tree. Then from that it will be easier to read all the area
tree information.

> Regards,
> Karen

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