There aren't any fully integrated tools out there ( or I have missed them

I use XML Spy ( which is cool ), to do the XML bit, Antenna House XSL
Formatter to display the result of applying XSL to XML to produce FO, and
to edit and debug XSL int the IBM XSL Editor ( which is a really good tool

Anyone else have any better tools.

"Chris Hamilton-Emery" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 11/07/2001 14:30:24

Please respond to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Subject:  Migration


I'm new here and apologies for any inanities. We're busy introducing an XML
workflow at Cambridge, and I want to begin considering the transfer of
traditional composition specifications to FO specs. But where do I start. I
have a DTD and the formatting of any XML will in part depend on a complex
relationship of elements and attributes and an FO spec dependent on these
variances. Nothing surprising here I guess, but is there an XSL stylesheet
tool I can use to design things? Does anybody out there offer consultancy
services of this kind? And lastly, all of this presupposes that I can use
to achieve very high-quality setting of academic books and journals, but is
this the right direction?

That's my first set of queries!




Christopher Hamilton-Emery
Press Production Director
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building
Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK

tel: +44 (0)1223 325840 (direct and voicemail)
fax: +44 (0)1223 325700
web: (printing services)
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web: (North America)
web: (Journals)

----- Original Message -----
From: "Michiel Verhoef" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 11, 2001 2:09 PM
Subject: RE: XHTML to PDF using FOP????

> Hi,
> First, there is a weird <d> element in your last table. I'm no XHTML
> but it is not HTML AFAIK.
> Second, some of the <tr> are missing <td> elements. A <tr> needs a <td>
> least, in HTML it does)
> so my guess is that your XHTML is not valid HTML. Any xsl that converts
> valid HTML to say, fo will give
> errors or at least not the desired result..
> HTH,
> Michiel
> $ -----Original Message-----
> $ From: rajeev nair [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> $ Sent: woensdag 11 juli 2001 14:15
> $ Subject: XHTML to PDF using FOP????
> $
> $
> $ HELLO,
> $ can anybody help me to convert my XHTMLinto pdf.
> $ the XHTML I'M GIVING BELOW.if I avoid all the anchor
> $ tags(<a>)tags and table tags and make it pure xsl data
> $ file then i'm easily able to write xslfo file for this
> $ and it is making good pdf.
> $ But for the given Xhtml file how i write xslfo.My real
> $ confusion is where there is table,tr,td tags and also
> $ anchor tags.
> $ Can anyone help me.
> $
> $ <?xml version="1.0"?>
> $ <html>
> $ <head>
> $ <link rel="stylesheet" href="test2.css"
> $ type="text/x-oeb1-css"/>
> $ </head>
> $ <body>
> $ <a name="toc">
> $ <toc>
> $ <table>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td align="left">
> $ <h2>
> $
> $ <b>Content</b>
> $ </h2>
> $ </td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <a
> $ href="#chap">Title Image</a>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <a
> $ href="#chap0">Page1</a>
> $ </tr>
> $
> $ <tr>
> $ <a
> $ href="#chap1">Page2</a>
> $ </tr>
> $
> $ <tr>
> $ <a
> $ href="#chap2">Page3</a>
> $ </tr>
> $
> $ <tr>
> $ <a
> $ href="#chap3">Page4</a>
> $ </tr>
> $
> $ <tr>
> $ <a
> $ href="#chap4">Page5</a>
> $ </tr>
> $
> $ <tr>
> $ <a
> $ href="#chap5">Page6</a>
> $ </tr>
> $
> $ </table>
> $ </toc>
> $ </a>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <a name="chap">
> $ <chap>
> $ <table border="25">
> $ <img src="part1.gif"/>
> $ </table>
> $ </chap>
> $ </a>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <a name="chap0">
> $ <chap0>
> $ <book>3.        Click the
> $ sheet-tab Score to bring
> $ the worksheet Score to front. Now let us select the
> $ range B4:E7 (figure 10.26 shows the data to be
> $ copied). Click the cell B4, press the Shift key (and
> $ hold it down), click the cell E7, release the Shift
> $ key. Now the range B4:E7 is successfully
> $ selected.</book>
> $ <book>4. Choose Edit
> $ Copy (or click the Copy
> $ tool) and the data in the range gets copied to the
> $ clipboard. Also a running, dotted rectangle (also
> $ called marching ants, marquis, or moving boundary)
> $ appears around the selected range. These marching ants
> $ indicate that Paste tool (and command Paste in the
> $ Edit-menu) is enabled. Paste tool remains enabled as
> $ long as marching ants are present. In order to remove
> $ these marching ants simply strike the Esc key. </book>
> $ <book>5. We want to
> $ paste this data in the Sheet2
> $ of Sales Data.xls therefore, choose Window  Sales Data
> $ (or click the Sales Data icon on the taskbar) in order
> $ to make the workbook Sales Data to be current one.
> $ Then click the sheet-tab Sheet2 to bring the worksheet
> $ Sheet2 to the front. </book>
> $ <book>6. Click the cell
> $ B4 and choose Edit  Paste
> $ (or click the Paste tool). Alternatively, click the
> $ cell B4 and simply strike the Enter key. Also, strike
> $ the Esc key to remove the marching ants. </book>
> $ <book1>When you choose Edit
> $ Cut (or click the Cut
> $ tool) then data in the selected cells is moved to the
> $ clipboard. Before concluding this section, notice:
> $ </book1>
> $ <table border="1">
> $ <tr>
> $ <th>
> $ <img
> $ src="pen.gif"/>
> $ </th>
> $ <td>When you
> $ copy that data in a range to
> $ clipboard, marching ants appear around the selected
> $ range. These marching ants indicate that Paste tool is
> $ enabled.When pasting is done, strike the Esk key to
> $ remove these marching ants. As marching ants are
> $ removed, Paste tool becomes disabled. </td>
> $ </tr>
> $ </table>
> $ <book1>Now the mission is
> $ complete. You may wish
> $ to close all the open workbooks.</book1>
> $ <img src="table.gif"/>
> $ <book1>
> $ <book04>Figure
> $ 10.29</book04>Row 2 and column C
> $ are enlarged to accomodate the contents</book1>
> $ </chap0>
> $ </a>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <a name="chap1">
> $ <chap1>
> $ <book01>10.13 Resizing Rows and
> $ Columns</book01>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <book1>Notice the worksheet
> $ shown in the figure
> $ 10.29. The height of row 2 and width of column C is
> $ enlarged so that contents can be accomodated. In this
> $ section let us see how to resize the rows and columns.
> $ </book1>
> $ <book1>Resizing the rows: When
> $ you  use the larger
> $ font size you are required to enlarge the height of
> $ row. Fortunately, when you use the larger font size,
> $ Excel automatically resizes the row and you are not
> $ required to do anything. Still if you want to resize
> $ the rows then use one of the methods given
> $ below:</book1>
> $ <book1>Place the mouse-cursor
> $ on the lower
> $ boundary of row heading so that it looks like a
> $ double-tipped arrow, press the left button of mouse,
> $ and drag the mouse-cursor in the downward direction.
> $ When desired resizing occurs, release the left button
> $ of mouse (see figure 10.30, a).</book1>
> $ <book1>Select any cell in that
> $ row. If there are
> $ multiple rows to be resized then select at least one
> $ cell from each row. Choose Format  Row  Height, and
> $ the dialog-box Row Height pops up on the screen as
> $ shown in the figure 10.30 (c). Enter the desired value
> $ of row height in points in the edit-box and click the
> $ button OK (or strike the Enter key).</book1>
> $ <img src="window.gif"/>
> $ </chap1>
> $ </a>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <a name="chap2">
> $ <chap2>
> $ <book1>
> $ <book03>Resizing the
> $ columns:</book03>When the
> $ text typed by you in a cell overflows into the next
> $ cell, you are required to enlarge the width of column
> $ in order to accomodate the overflowed text in a cell.
> $ Use one of the methods to resize the columns:</book1>
> $ <book1>Type the text in a cell
> $ and let it overflow
> $ into the next cell. Place the mouse-cursor on the
> $ right boundary of the column heading so that it looks
> $ like a double-tipped arrow and double-click. Now
> $ column resize so as to accomodate the overflowed
> $ text.</book1>
> $ <book1>Place the mouse-cursor
> $ on the right
> $ boundary of column heading so that it looks like a
> $ double-tipped arrow, press the left button of mouse,
> $ and drag the mouse-cursor in the rightward direction.
> $ When desired resizing occurs, release the left button
> $ of mouse (see figure 10.30, b). </book1>
> $ <book1>Select any cell in that
> $ column. If there
> $ are multiple columns to be resized then select at
> $ least one cell from each column. Choose Format  Column
> $  Width, and the dialog-box Column Width pops up on the
> $ screen as shown in the figure 10.30 (d). Enter the
> $ desired value of column width in characters in the
> $ edit-box and click the button OK (or strike the Enter
> $ key). </book1>
> $ <book01>10.14 Practical
> $ Examples</book01>
> $ <br/>
> $ <book01>Example 1</book01>
> $ <br/>
> $ <book02>Open a fresh (new)
> $ workbook and type the
> $ following data in Sheet1. Rename worksheet Sheet1 as
> $ Confidential. Save the workbook with the filename
> $ Mydata.xls. </book02>
> $ <table>
> $ <tr>
> $ <b>
> $ <td>No.</td>
> $
> $ <td>Name of Secret Agent</td>
> $ <td>City</td>
> $ <td>Age</td>
> $ <td>Salary</td>
> $ </b>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>1</td>
> $
> $ <td>Dick_the_great Ford</td>
> $ <td>Pune</td>
> $ <td>25</td>
> $ <td>$72,000</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>2</td>
> $
> $ <td>Al_the_genius Fulton</td>
> $ <td>Allahabad</td>
> $ <td>27</td>
> $ <td>$85,500</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>3</td>
> $
> $ <td>Beth_the_cute Lewis</td>
> $ <td>Washington</td>
> $ <td>19</td>
> $ <td>$65,000</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ </table>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <book1>Hint: Refer the sections
> $ 10.2, 10.11, and
> $ 10.13. </book1>
> $ <book01>Example 2</book01>
> $ <book02>Open a fresh (new)
> $ workbook. Save it with
> $ the filename Mybackup.xls. Copy the data in worksheet
> $ Confidential (in workbook Mydata.xls) in Sheet1 of
> $ Mybackup.xls. Delete the worksheets Sheet2 and Sheet3
> $ in Mybackup and save before closing it.</book02>
> $ <book1>Hint: Refer the sections
> $ 10.5, 10.11, and
> $ 10.12.</book1>
> $ </chap2>
> $ </a>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <a name="chap3">
> $ <chap3>
> $ <img src="AQUA.gif"/>
> $ <book0>,D;qizs'kj 'kCn dk
> $ lk_j.k vFkZ gS lwbZ ls
> $ 'kjhj ij ncko Mkyuk] 'kjhj esa fLFkr fofHkUu
> $ ,D;qizs'kj ds fcUnq xqIr gksrs gSa rFkk gkFk o iSjksa
> $ ds ryoksa o 'kjhj ds vU; Hkkxksa esa dsafnzr gksrs
> $ gSa] bu ij ncko nsdj chekjh dks tM+ ls nwj djus dk
> $ iz;kl fd;k tkrk gSA</book0>
> $ <bookq>µMkW-dsuhvku</bookq>
> $ <bookh2>,D;qizs'kj iz.kkyh D;k
> $ gS\</bookh2>
> $ <bookh>vk;qosZn esa ,D;qizs'kj
> $ fpfdRlk dks
> $ ^eeZ&amp;Kku fpfdRlk* ds uke ls fy[kk x;k gSA gekjs
> $ ns'k esa _f"k&amp;eqfu rFkk lar eeZ&amp;Kkuh Hkh gksrs
> $ Fks] tks 'kjhj ds eeZLFkkuksa dks igpkudj mudks Li'kZ
> $ djrs Fks vkSj bl izdkj jksxh Bhd gks tkrs FksA ,slk
> $ dgk tkrk gS fd ,D;qisz'kj fpfdRlk iz.kkyh dk
> $ izknqHkkZo Hkkjr esa vkt ls yxHkx 5000 o"kZ iwoZ gqvk
> $ FkkA ;gka ls ;g iz.kkyh phu igqaphA ogka ls ;g fo'o ds
> $ vU; ns'kksa esa QSyhA
> $ xkaoksa esa ;g iz.kkyh vU; vusd :iksa esa vkt Hkh
> $ izpfyr gSA xzkeh.k NksVs&amp;eksVs jksxksa dks nwj
> $ djus ds fy, 'kjhj ds LFkku fo'ks"k ij vaxwBs ls ncko
> $ nsrs gSaA dqN L=kh&amp;iq#"k xksnuk xqnokrs gSaA dqN
> $ vax fo'ks"k ij gkFk Qsjrs gSaA ;s lkjs dk;Z ,D;qizs'kj
> $ fpfdRlk iz.kkyh ds gh vax gSaA yM+fd;ksa ds nksuksa
> $ dku] ukd vkfn Nsnus dh f_k D;k gS\ vkerkSj ij ;g ekuk
> $ tkrk gS fd Nsnu f_k LokLF; dh n`f"V ls cgqr eg_iw.kZ
> $ gSA </bookh>
> $ <bookh2>fofHkUu izdkj ds vkHkw"k.kksa dk
> $ mi;ksx</bookh2>
> $ <bookh>gekjs ns'k esa
> $ L=kh&amp;iq#"k vkHkw"k.kksa
> $ dk mi;ksx cM+s eu ls djrs gSaA ;s vkHkw"k.k gekjs
> $ 'kkjhfjd vaxksa ij fdlh&amp;u&amp;fdlh :i esa ncko
> $ Mkyrs gSaA mnkgj.k ds fy, xys esa galqyh] daBgkj] ikao
> $ dh maxfy;ksa esa fcNq,] gkFkksa dh maxfy;ksa esa
> $ vaxwfB;ka] dku esa ckyh] eqdhZ] cqUns ;k lt;qeds] ukd
> $ esa ykSax ;k uFk] Hkqtkvksa esa cktwcan] iSjksa esa
> $ ,fM+;ksa ls _j ik;tsc] ik;y] lt;kalt;j] dej esa dj_h
> $ ;k rxM+h] dykbZ esa pwfM+;ka] daxu vkfn ;s lHkh
> $ vkHkw"k.k ,D;qizs'kj fcUnqvksa ij ncko Mkyrs jgrs gSa]
> $ ftuds dkj.k LokLF; ykHk izkIr gksrk jgrk gSA okLro esa
> $ vkt ge ftu ,D;qizs'kj fcUnqvksa dh [kkst djds mu ij
> $ izs'kj Mkydj fpfdRlk dj jgs gSa] muds ckjs esa gekjs
> $ iwoZt  lc dqN tkurs Fks rFkk mudk mi;ksx
> $ tkus&amp;vutkus djrs jgrs FksA ,slk dgk tkrk gS fd ge
> $ flj ij ftl fcUnq ij ^cksj* yxkrs gSa] og fcUnq
> $ ,D;qizs'kj ds vuqlkj L=kh ds ekfld _Z dks fu;fer cukrk
> $ gSA dku&amp;Nsnu ls vfunzk] {kh.k Lej.k 'kfDr] ydok]
> $ 'kjhj esa [kqtyh vkfn jksxksa ls j{kk gksrh jgrh gSA
> $ gkFkksa dh pwfM+;ka dykbZ ij bl lt;ax ls izs'kj Mkyrh
> $ gSa fd izksLVsV dk fj¶ysDl fcUnq nck jgrk gS] ftlls
> $ ew=kk'k; laca_ jksxksa ls NqVdkjk feyrk jgrk gSA ,M+h
> $ ls _j ik;y lkbfVdk ukM+h dks jksx xzLr ugha gksus nsrh
> $ gSA blls fyEQ xazfFk;ksa ds fcUnq Hkh 'kjhj dh _kZ dks
> $ de ugha gksus nsrs gSaA Bhd ;gh f_k iSjksa dh
> $ maxfy;ksa esa iguus okys fcNqvksa ds }kjk Hkh laiUu
> $ gksrh gSA fcNq, ukd] xys rFkk fny ds fj¶ysDlscy ikbUV
> $ dks nck, jgrs gSaA buds }kjk ncs jgus ls _ jksx tYnh
> $ ugha yxrk gSA bl izdkj ls ge ns[krs gSa fd
> $ vkHkw"k.kksa dk ekuo thou esa fo'ks"k eg_ gSA ;s dsoy
> $ 'kks dh phtsa ugha gSa] oju~ izk.kksa dh _kZ dks Hkh
> $ xfreku cuk, j[krs gSaA 'kjhj esa Ropk laca_ jksx tYnh
> $ ugha yx ikrs gSaA
> $ </bookh>
> $ </chap3>
> $ </a>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <a name="chap4">
> $ <chap4>
> $ <bookh2>'kjhj ds r_ksa dh iz_r</bookh2>
> $ <bookh>izR;sd O;fDr dh tUe ls
> $ gh dqN fo'ks"krk,a
> $ gksrh gSaA blh dks ge LokHkkfod iz_r ;k ekuo LoHkko
> $ dgrs gSaA blesa 'kkjhfjd vkSj ekufld nksuksa f_kvksa
> $ dk lekos'k gksrk gSA euq"; dh vPNh iz_r ;gh gSA
> $ ,D;qizs'kj fpfdRlk ds fu;eksa ds vuqlkj ;fn fpfdRld
> $ euq"; dh iz_r ds vuqdwy mls Hkkstu crkrk gS vkSj ml ij
> $ izs'kj ikbUV dh f_k djrk gS] rks og O;fDr cgqr tYnh
> $ Bhd gks tkrk gSA blh dks gksE;ksiSFkh esa y{k.kksa dk
> $ feyuk dgrs gSaA blfy, jksx xzLr euq"; </bookh>
> $ <b1>blfy, gesa ;g tku ysuk
> $ pkfg, fd dkSu ls [kk|
> $ inkFkZ vEyh; gksrs gSa vkSj dkSu ls {kkjh;A ;gka ge
> $ tkudkjh ds fy, vEyh; vkSj {kkjh; oLrqvksa dh lwph
> $ izLrqr dj jgs gSa %</b1>
> $ <c>
> $ <table width="100%" border="1">
> $ <th align="center">
> $ <font
> $ color="blue">
> $
> $ <u>vEyh; Hkkstu dh lwph</u>
> $ </font>
> $ </th>
> $ </table>
> $ <table width="100%" border="1">
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>1-</td>
> $
> $ <td>nw_ls cuh phtsa</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $ <td>xeZ
> $ nw_ pht] ngh o eD[kuA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>2-</td>
> $ <td>vukt</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>xsgwa] pkoy] eDdk vkSj nkysa bR;kfnA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>3-</td>
> $
> $ <td>lw[kh Qfy;ka</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>tSls ewaxQyh] v[kjksV] dktw vkfnA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>4-</td>
> $
> $ <td>lw[ks cht</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>fry] lwjteq[kh bR;kfnA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>5-</td>
> $ <td>ekal</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>tSls ekal] vaMk] eNyh vkSj fpdu vkfnA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>6-</td>
> $ <td>
> $ is; inkFkZ</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>pk;] dkWQh] 'kjkc] lkW¶V fMªaDl
> $ vkfnA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>7- </td>
> $ <td>rsy
> $ vkSj ?kh</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $ <td>ryk
> $ vkSj elkysnkj HkkstuA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>8-  </td>
> $
> $ <td>feBkb;ka</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>Nsus o cslu] eSns dh cuh gqb±A</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>9- </td>
> $
> $ <td>csdjh dh phtsa</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>cszM] fcLdqV] dsd] iSVht vkfnA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>9- </td>
> $
> $ <td>csdjh dh phtsa</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>cszM] fcLdqV] dsd] iSVht vkfnA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ </table>
> $ <table border="1">
> $ <th align="center">
> $ <font
> $ color="blue">
> $
> $ <u>{kkjh; Hkkstu dh lwph</u>
> $ </font>
> $ </th>
> $ </table>
> $ <table border="1">
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>1-</td>
> $ <td>lHkh Qy</td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>tSls lsc] larjk] vuUukl] eqlEeh vkfnA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>2-</td>
> $ <td>gjh
> $ lfCt;ka </td>
> $ <td>%</td>
> $
> $ <td>eVj] vadqfjr cht o chal ds vfrfjDr</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ </table>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <table>
> $ <th align="center">
> $ <font
> $ color="blue">
> $
> $ <u>de {kkjh; [kk| inkFkZ</u>
> $ </font>
> $ </th>
> $ </table>
> $ <table border="1">
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>1-</td>
> $
> $ <td>rktk nw_vkSj nghA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>2-</td>
> $
> $ <td>ikuh esa fHkxks, cht o Qfy;kaA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>3-</td>
> $
> $ <td>cknke vkSj ukfj;yA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ <tr>
> $ <td>4-</td>
> $ <td>
> $ gjh eVj] eDdk vkSj cktjkA</td>
> $ </tr>
> $ </table>
> $ </c>
> $ </chap4>
> $ </a>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <br/><br/>
> $ <br/>
> $ <a name="chap5">
> $ <chap5>
> $ <img src="Figwd402.gif" height="400"
> $ width="400"/><br/>
> $ <a3>;fn vki vius Vkbi fd, gq, 'kCn dks lgh ekurs gSa
> $ vkSj mls ,sls gh NksM+uk pkgrs gSa]
> $ rks<a4>'Ignore'</a4> cVu dks fDyd dhft,- iwjs nLrkost
> $ esa ;g 'kCn ,sls gh NksM+ nsus ds fy,<a4> 'Ignore
> $ All'</a4> dks fDyd djuk pkfg,-</a3>
> $         <font face="shiva"><table><x><tr><td
> $ colspan="4">;fn vki vius Vkbi fd, gq, 'kCn dks lgh
> $ ekurs gSa vkSj mls ,sls gh NksM+uk pkgrs gSa] rks<font
> $ face="arial">'Ignore'</font> cVu dks fDyd dhft,- iwjs
> $ nLrkost esa ;g 'kCn ,sls gh NksM+ nsus ds fy,<a4>
> $ 'Ignore All'</a4> dks fDyd djuk pkfg,-</td><td
> $ valign="top"><img src="Figwd403.gif"
> $ height="200"/></td></tr>
> $ <tr><td colspan="6">;fn vki bl 'kCn dks viuh fMD'kujh
> $ tksM+uk pkgrs gSa] rkfd ,e,l&amp;oMZ vkxs dHkh ml 'kCn
> $ dks xyr u ekus] rks 'Add' cVu fDyd dhft,- ,slk izk;%
> $ O;fDr;ksa vkSj LFkkuksa ds ukekas ds fy, fd;k tkrk
> $ gS-</td></tr>
> $ <tr><td colspan="6">bl izdkj ,d xyr 'kCn dks Bhd djus
> $ ds ckn ;k NksM+ nsus ds ckn vxys xyr 'kCn ij Hkh
> $ ;ghnksgjkbZ tkrh gS- vUr esa vFkkZr~ lHkh 'kCnksa dh
> $ Lisfyax Bhd dj ysus ij ,e,l&amp;oMZ vkidks<font
> $ face="arial"> 'The spelling check is complete'</font>
> $ lUns'k nsrk gS- Lisfyax psdj pykus ij ysfdu dksbZ xyrh
> $ u feyus ij Hkh ;gh  izf0;k lUns'k fn;k tkrk
> $ gS-</td></tr>
> $ <tr><td colspan="6">Vkbi djrs le; Lisfyax Bhd djus dh
> $ ,d fof/k vkSj gS- ;fn fdlh 'kCn dks ,e,l&amp;oMZ us
> $ xyr ekudj mlds uhps yky likZdkj js[kk [khap nh gS vkSj
> $ vkidks ml 'kCn dh lgh Lisfyax ekywe ugha gS] rks ekml
> $ ikWbaVj dkss ml xyr 'kCn ij ys tkdj ekml dk nk;ka cVu
> $ fDyd dhft,- ,slk djus ij L_u ij ogha fp=  WD-4.3 dh
> $ rjg ,d dkW.VsDLV esU;w [kqy tk,xk- bl esU;w esa lcls
> $ _j ml xyr 'kCn ls feyrs&amp;amp lgh 'kCn fn[kk, tkrs
> $ gSa ¼;fn dksbZ gks½ vkSj uhps fofHkUu dk;kZsa ds
> $ vkns'k gksrs gSa- ;fn vki ml 'kCn ds LFkku ij fdlh lgh
> $ 'kCn dks ykuk pkgrs gSa rks mls fDyd dj</td></tr>
> $ </x></table></font><br/><br/>
> $ <table><d><tr>bl lqfo/kk esa igys ls gh gtkjksa
> $ izfof"V;ka <a4>(Entries)</a4> Hkjh gqbZ gSa- izR;sd
> $ izfof"V esa lEHko xyr 'kCn vkSj mlds cnys vkus okyk
> $ lgh 'kCn fn;k gqvk gS- Vkbi djrs le; tSls gh vki fdlh
> $ 'kCn ;k v{kj ds ckn Lislckj] VSc ;k ,.Vj dqath nckrs
> $ gSa] vkVksdjsDV ,D'ku esa vk tkrk gS- ;fn vkids }kjk
> $ Vkbi fd, x, fiNys 'kCn dh izfof"V vkVksdjsDV esa igys
> $ ls Hkjh gqbZ gS] rks vkVksdjsDV mlh le; mlds LFkku ij
> $ izfof"V ds vuqlkj lgh 'kCn j[k nsrk gS- ;fn ml 'kCn dh
> $ dksbZ izfof"V ugha gS] rks dqN Hkh ugha fd;k tkrk]
> $ cfYd vkxs dk dk;Z Lisfyax psdj ds _j NksM+ fn;k tkrk
> $ gS-</tr>
> $ <tr>vkVksdjsDV dh izfof"V;ksa dks ns[kus ds fy,
> $ 'Tools' esU;w dks fDyd djds [kksfy,- blls ;g fp=
> $ WD-4.4 dh rjg [kqysxk- ;fn ;g esU;w iwjk u [kqyk gks
> $ rks ekml ikWbaVj dks FkksM+h nsj blh ij jksfd, vFkok
> $ lcls uhps fn, gq, rhj ds fp__s fDyd dhft,- </tr>
> $ <tr>vc bl esU;w dk <a4>'Autocorrect...'</a4> vkns'k
> $ nhft,- blls L_u ij fp= WD-4.5 dh rjg vkVksdjsDV dk
> $ Mk;ykx ckWDl [kqy tk,xk-</tr>
> $ <tr>bl Mk;ykx ckWDl dh 'Autocorrect' VSc 'khV ds _jh
> $ Hkkx esa dqN psd ckWDl gSa] ftUgsa vki lsV djds
> $ fofHkUu fodYiksa dks ykxw dj ldrs gSa- uhps ds Hkkx
> $ esa vkVks djsDV dh izfof"V;ka fn[kk;h tkrh gSa- bu
> $ izfof"V;ksa dh la[;k lSdM+ksa esa gSa- lkFk ds L_Wy
> $ ckj ls vki _j&amp;uhps dh izfof"V;ksa rd igqap ldrs
> $ gSa-</tr><tr><img src="Figwd405.gif" width="300"
> $ height="300"/></tr>
> $ <tr>;g /;ku nsus esa j[kus dh ckr gS fd vkVksdjsDV
> $ viuh izfof"V;ksa dh lwph ds vuqlkj xyr ;k lgh Vkbi fd,
> $ x, lHkh 'kCnksa dks fcuk dqN lksps ^lgh* 'kCnksa ls
> $ cny nsrk gS- blls dbZ ckj cM+h leL;k mRiUu gks tkrh
> $ gS] D;ksafd vki dksbZ ikB~; lgh&amp;lgh Vkbi djrs gSa
> $ vkSj vkVksdjsDV mls xyr ekudj nwljk 'kCn Hkj nsrk gS]
> $ ftlls vki ijs'kku gks tkrs gSa- tc ge fgUnh QkW.Vksa
> $ dk mi;ksx djrs gSa rc izk;% ,slh leL;k mRiUu gksrh gS-
> $ gesa xM+cM+ djus okyh izfof"V;ksa dks vkVksdjsDV ls
> $ fudky nsuk pkfg,- ;fn vki fdlh izfof"V dks bl lwph ls
> $ gVkuk pkgrs gSa] rks ml izfof"V dks fDyd djds pqu
> $ yhft, vkSj 'Delete' cVu fDyd dhft,- blls og izfof"V
> $ xk;c gks tk;sxh-</tr>
> $ <tr>blh izdkj ;fn vki ;g vuqHko djrs gSa fd vkVksdjsDV
> $ dh izfof"V lwph esa dksbZ izfof"V ugha gS vkSj og
> $ gksuh pkfg, Fkh] rks vki ,slh izfof"V Lo;a tksM+ ldrs
> $ gSa- blds fy, bl Mk;ykx ckWDl ds chp ds Hkkx esa </tr>
> $ </d>
> $ </table>
> $ </chap5>
> $ </a>
> $ </body>
> $ </html>
> $
> $ regards
> $ rajiv
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