> > >I understand this error to be along the lines of a "Can't find class
> > >BchDate", as I had the same problem with Xalan whilst learning how to
> > >implement extensions.
> >
> > I think you're right, as far as the semantics of the ERROR message is
> > concerned. One reason you can't find a class is because you didn't
> > the source; are you sure you have the _classfile_ available that
> > corresponds
> > to your BchDate class?


I've pretty much lost enough time to this problem now, so I'm effectively
giving up. For the record, I've tried the following:

* Gone back to basics and compiled IntDate from the Xalan examples. Made a
new XML and XSL file for this, paying attention to Arved's example from

* Made sure that IntDate was compiled and on the classpath.

* Ran the test files through Xalan. These output an FO file (test.fo) which
was passed to FOP. This processed to a PDF file with no problems. The Java
extension ran in Xalan correctly.

* Repeated the above process, using "java" and "xalan://" namespaces
examples, as documented in the Xalan docs -- running the xsl and xml through
Xalan as before. Each time, the output FO file was pushed through FOP. In
every instance, Xalan correctly found/ran the Java extension and processed
the XSLT, resulting in an FO file that FOP will happily convert to PDF.
Essentially, I have _no_ problem running Java Extensions through Xalan on my
machine! :-)

* Took the various files from the above process and tried to run them
through FOP without going through Xalan first. In every case either the
error "ERROR: IntDate" was returned or: "Error: no such method
java.lang.String.getDate([CONTEXT], #String, #String)" depending on my use
of the Java or xmlns:my-class="Xalan://" namespace respectively was raised.
I cannot get the same XML/XSL to process through FOP without error.

* Played with the -cp option to try and get FOP to pick up another path...

I've checked the documentation and can find no further clues as to setup or
configuration for FOP, or why this should be happening. Either I am missing
something siginificant on the configuration front here, or I'm blind to some
documentation that explains it.

I've run through the debug output and it's pretty clear that it's a case of
the class not being found. I am at a loss as to why this is, especially as
Xalan clearly has no problems finding, running, or spitting my class's
output to the resultant FO file. I can even add a main() to my class and run
it from the commandline /anywhere/. I've tried packaging the class as
Arved's example from yesterday, and whilst java and Xalan have no problem
finding this, FOP still can't. This has frustrated me no end, but I just
cannot afford to spend anymore time trying to configure this.

Obviously I've proved that I can use Xalan in combination with FOP to meet
my needs, so that may have to be my fallback position.

If anyone has any suggestions, please email me. I'll probably come back and
look at this problem in the future. For now I've got deadlines to meet! ;-)

Thanks Arved for the pointers here and on Comp.text.xml...


Gareth Noyce

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