I'm using FOP 0.19 with JDK 1.1.8 on Windows NT/2000 and Sun Solaris with no
problems. But batik does not work with JDK 1.1. That means no SVG :-(


> Is it still possible to run the latest version of FOP with JDK1.1.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen / Best regards
Heiko Barthel


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Title: FOP 0.19 with JDK1.1

Is it still possible to run the latest version of FOP with JDK1.1. Currently I am using 0.15 and I need to assess the risks in moving to a newer version. We have done a quick test and it seems that it now has a dependency on batik which requires JDK 1.2 onwards.

Can someone clarify the position please.


Stephen Fry

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