We did some playing around with a simple FOP servlet that does
XHTML->XSL-FO->PDF using Xalan and FOP and come away with the following

1. It uses quite a bit of memory.  While running around 20-30 concurrent
users, each generating a set of four PDFs ranging from 2 to 5 pages five
times each, the servlet engine memory usage is about 110MB.

2. It uses quite a bit of CPU.  While running the above test, the CPU is
about 50% with 10 users, 70% with 20 users, and over 80% with 30 users.

3. It takes quite a bit of time to do the generation.  The minimum
generation time for the four documents are from 1 to 4 seconds (the 4
seconds one is 5 pages with 13 tables with various cell colors and
border styles).  In the 30 user test, the average time are from 20 to 40
seconds, and maximum well over 2 minutes.

Weiqi Gao

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