
I'm using the docbook-xsl-1.14 tools from to
convert a DocDook XML file into xsl:fo and then using FOP to convert
that into PDF. I've noticed FOP printing messages like this:

  warning: property - "linefeed-treatment" is not implemented yet.

it turns out that docbook-xsl is using that attribute on the fo:block
elements it creates out of my <screen> DocBook elements.

Is linefeed-treatment handling on the radar screen?
I'm getting the correct output, so I'm wondering if by setting
white-space-collapse='false' in the fo:block, docbook-xsl is causing
FOP to do the right thing? Is it true that white-space-collapse='false'
implies the same effect as linefeed-treatment='preserve'?


-- Gregor
/                                                                     \
   Gregor N. Purdy                          [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Focus Research, Inc.      
   8080 Beckett Center Drive #203                   513-860-3570 vox
   West Chester, OH 45069                           513-860-3579 fax

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