i tried to use the keep-with-next property on a multi column page with 
some  text blocks that  normally fits on one page with 4 columns.
my text consists of this sequence of text blocks: every 2nd block is 
meant to be a headline and  the the following block is the paragraph 
belonging to that headline.
therefore i set the keep-with-next attribute on the headline blocks but 
still the column break occurred between the headline and the paragraph.

looking in to the code i found that  in 
org.apache.fop.fo.flow.Block.layout(Area) the line:
this.keepWithNext =

does not have any effect , since the getEnum() method always returns (0) 
because the
org.apache.fop.fo.KeepProperty(Keep) does not overwrite the getEnum() 

so i patched this so that this.keepWithNext got the value="5" (just to 
see what will happen then ) but immediately  i run in to another error:
the headline appeared on the bottom of the old column, a wrong page 
break occurred (instead of a column break)
and the same headline appeared on the top of the new page.

if nobody else is currently working on this problems i would be willing 
to do this, if i (as a someone who just started to try to understand the 
fop source code) get some assistance from the fop gurus.

would you appreciate this?

bodo teichmann


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