The workaround is to tplit the image into two images that fit in a page by
manually using Gimp or Photoshop and modifying your FO accordingly.

Ideally FOP would do this automatically, but that requires reasonably
image processing code. Graceful failure or omission of impossibly large
objects (with a warning) would be something that's more likely to get
implemented at some point, and we would be grateful to accept any patches
like that.

-----Original Message-----
From: Darrel Riekhof [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, September 13, 2001 11:02 PM
Cc: Rodrigo Rey; Bill Thornton
Subject: tall image puts Fop in never-ending loop

I tried to insert a jpg that was 800 width by 1035 height.  Here is the
xsl-fo tag I'm using to do it:

                         <xsl:attribute name ="src">
                                file:<xsl:value-of select="location"/>

Fop-0.20.1 goes into a never-ending loop, trying to find a page big enough
for this image, and I eventually get an out of memory exception.  Is there a
work-around for this?


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