As Keiron said that performance increased with just using HashMap 
instead of Hashtable. How about using ArrayList instead of Vector? Well, 
it depends on how much Vector is used in FOP.
Another thought is the way the FO tree and area trees are implemented. 
There will be probably some changes with the redesign. However, the 
approach taken by Xalan may also be useful in FOP. In Xalan 2, the DOM 
has been replaced by DTM (Document Table Model) which uses tables of 
integers to represent the document, reducing all comparisons (of node 
names, etc.) to integer comparisons. Of course, Xalan benefits mostly 
with the faster XPath axis iterators of this implementation which are 
not relevant to FOP. Nevetherless, if not performance, DTM or the 
appropiate for FOP offers a lot of savings on memory usage.
Just a few thoughts, it may trigger some ideas.


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