Hi Chris,

Yes, definitely try a more recent version. The latest is actually
0.20.2. That should have support for setting height on either row or
cell and maybe some sizing problems have been fixed. To prevent rows
being broken, use keep-together="always" on the table-row object. That's
the only object in FOP where keep-together works.
Also check the relation between the "extent" attribute on your before
and after regions and top and bottom margins on your body region to make
sure the body doesn't overlap the after region.


> "West, Chris" wrote:
> I previously made a posting regarding this topic and received some
> helpful responses.  However, I'm still having the problem.  This time,
> I'll describe the problem in greater detail.
> I use FOP to dynamically create a table from database data.  The
> resulting table can range from just a few rows to many rows, requiring
> multiple pages to display the table.  The problem I'm having is that a
> multi-page table doesn't gracefully traverse the page boundaries.  The
> table can continue past the page number to the very bottom of the
> page, with sometimes only half of the last row appearing on the first
> page, with the remaining table being displayed on the next page.  I've
> tried "keep-with-next", plus other attributes, but haven't had any
> success at resolving this issue.
> I've made sure that all table tags are nested under the
> "xsl-region-body" tag, as suggested by John T.
> Perhaps part of my problem is that the text in one of the columns is
> wrapped onto three lines, as the column width is not sufficient for
> all of the text to fit on one line.  I'm thinking that perhaps FOP
> can't set up the page breaks properly as a result (which is simply a
> guess).
> I'm added some logic in my XSL file to end the table and start a new
> table every x number of rows (by using the mod() method).  However, I
> need to be able to set the cell height for this to consistently work
> (as the number of rows in a cell could vary).  I tried setting height
> from the row tag as well as from the cell tag, but the requested
> height is being ignored.
> I've been using version 0.19.0.  Today, I'm going to try 0.20.1 to see
> if there is a difference.
> Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated ....
> Chris W.

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