Ah yes. Thanks. I will try and find an alternative method.

I was tring to use the pattern fill as a mostly transparent 'watermark' 
over the image.



Keiron Liddle wrote:

> Please read this page:
> http://xml.apache.org/fop/svg.html
> it should tell you what you need to know.
> On 2001.11.30 17:47 James Richardson wrote:
>>When rendering my previous post, Batik seems to be able to render fine
>>in the GUI, but when included in FOP ( either as external graphic, or
>>instream foreign object ), the rendered text has the most ugly jaggies.
>>I think I read in the archive that FOP rasterises the SVG before
>>inserting into the PDF. Is this right? Why? Can this be turned off?
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