On 2002.01.14 10:25 Software AG wrote:
> Hi.
> Having downloaded fop 0.20.2-bin and -src, I had read the documentation
> about extensions. There is says to add my own extension, I better had a
> look
> at the source in org.apache.fop.extension.  Unfortunately the only
> documented class is ExtensionObj, stating to be "base class for extension
> objects".
> This is why I had to ask the list.

"extensions objects" - means object (classes) that implement the extension 
called "extension" or ext.

> What I have is code that can render data from a DOM tree and gives me a
> java.awt.Image, which I can then use in applications or convert to GIF
> images.

The SVG is something that gets a DOM tree and creates an area.
So look at how svg is done for reading your DOM tree.

> Now I want to reuse that code within FOP. I assume in your words
> this means I want an area in the output, but I really do not know what an
> area actually is. For me it sounds more like graphics, but I do not want
> to
> use SVG since I'd have to recode what is already there.

Everything that appears on your page is in an area, text, lines, images, 
svg etc.
The process is like so (I'm sure this information is available somewhere) :
- sax events create an FO tree
- the fo tree is layed out into an area tree
- the area tree is rendered to the output

So when the sax events are creating an fo tree you will want to also be 
create an FObj (this is a class in the fo tree).
When the fo tree is being layed out your fo object will also be layed out. 
To get anything in the output it will need to create an area.

> So if I choose 1 (see below), I need to do "a similar sort of thing to
> all
> other fo objects". Does this mean I have to extend Area or FObj?
> For my understanding, I have to extend ExtensionObj, which also is an
> FObj
> and override the layout(Area) method. But then I do not know how to
> insert
> the image into the Area (do I have to extend that also?) and how to
> retrieve
> the DOM source (maybe that is done via the PropertyLists?).

DOM Source? what is that?

> Hiran

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