From: "Joerg Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Jeremias Maerki <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > By the way: What's the current agreement whether to use Avalon or not? I
> > mean, we're already using LogKit (which is cool).
> No, it's not cool unless done properly. I don't think users
> who want only pure FO processing should be forced to use
> another heavyweigth framework and logkit.

I've used Avalon framework in many projects, and IMHO it's not heavyweight.

Logkit is *very* light and fast, and I would humbly suggest to take a look
at the framework/logging classes that shields logging from implementation.
In this way any logger can be plugged in without changing code.

> I rather imagine something like the following layered
> architecture:
> 1. FOP core. Processes XML, either as SAX event stream by
>  supplying a content handler or by utilising the interface
>  javax.xml.transform.Source, into a renderer specific result
>  (probably a, could even apply to a voice
>  renderer :-)
>  Do not rely on any hardcoded external files. Get configuration
>  via a java.util.Properties object or other explicit methods.

In my experience, using the avalon framework Configuration adds a *lot* of
flexibility and is very easy to use. Now it also has writing capability.
Using XML, it has a hierarchy.

>  Use a FOP owned interface like javax.transform.ErrorListener for
>  reporting errors and such, or perhaps even reuse ErrorListener
>  (somewhat odd, though).

In error reporting there are wo levels: user and developer.
The user gets notified by ErrorListener, the developer by logging. The user
could also want to put a logger as errorListener. Anyway avalon frameworl
logging shields from the logging implementation.

>  Use a javax.transform.URIResolver or a similar FOP owned
>  interface for resolving URIs (external graphics source, user
>  font file...).

There is already a tried and tested Avalon Component for this.

> 2. Intermediate layer with a class combining a transformer and
>  a FO processor instance (optional)
> 3. Class for embedding into the framework. Provides implementations
>  for the URIResolver and the ErrorListener, the latter redirecting
>  to the logging toolkit. May read external, user writable configuration
>  files. Uses framework for passing options and other parametrisations
>  from the outside (command line, servlet request, applet parameter...)

There is already a CLI util class in Avalon.

> It may be an idea to use the factory pattern like javax.transform:
> abstract classe FOProcessorFactory {
>   // get a new factory. factory may cache default properties for
>   // processors, fonts,...
>   static FOProcessorFactory newInstance();
>   // create a new processor. a FOProcessor instance is only good
>   // for one run, like a Transformer
>   abstract FOProcessor newFOProcessor();
>   abstract FOProcessor newFOProcessor(<Renderer enumeration>);

There are ComponentManagers in Avalon, that handle lifecycle automatically.

>   // inherited to generated processors
>   abstract void setErrorListener(ErrorListener);
>   // inherited to generated processors. use also for example for
>   // loading default fonts while creating a new processor instance
>   abstract void setURIResolver(URIResolver);
>   // set attributes, like font file URIs or even compiled font
>   // classes
>   abstract void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
>   // perhaps a few shortcuts for transformations
>   abstract void setTransformation(Source xsl);
>   abstract void setTransformation(Templates);
>   // various get methods omitted :-)
> }
> abstract class FOProcessor {
>   abstract void setRenderer(<Renderer enumeration>);
>   abstract void render(Source,OutputStream);
>   abstract void setErrorListener(ErrorListener);
>   abstract void setURIResolver(URIResolver);
>   abstract void setAttribute(String name, Object value)
>   // shortcuts
>   abstract void setTransformation(Source xsl);
>   abstract void setTransformation(Templates);
>   // extra shortcut (makes no sense for the factory)
>   abstract void setTransformation(Transformer);
> }

This is basically a definition of an interface of a FOProcessor, the main
avalon-style Component for FOP.
Using Excalibur ComponentManager, you just need to add a reference in the
xml configuration and it gets automatically setup, configured, and managed.

> If a transformation is set, the Source in render() is the original
> XML piped through the transformation. I'm not sure whether get/set/
> clearParameter for the transformation should be added to FOProcessor,
> fortunately, no output properties are necessary.

If it implements the Parametrizable interface of Avalon, the Parameters get
set automatically by Excalibur.
Same with Configurable.

IMHO, Avalon *really* helps in making a clean class structure and
I am finding it a bit difficult in getting the grasp of FOP specific stuff,
but understand something of Avalon, so I'm very willing to help in this


Nicola Ken Barozzi       
            - verba volant, scripta manent -
   (discussions get forgotten, just code remains)

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