Is it a requirement for you to use the empty <fo:block>?  If not, try using
<fo:block space-after="XXpt"> or space-before="XXpt" (or use whatever
measuring system you want) to get the spacing you need.
   Matthew L. Avizinis <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Gleim Publications, Inc.
   4201 NW 95th Blvd.
 Gainesville, FL 32606
(352)-375-0772 ext. 101 <>

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Cory McNeely [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, April 03, 2002 4:20 PM
> Subject: Linebreaks inside of tables etc.
> Hey gang,
> I have a few potentially table related issues that I'm trying to work
> through.
> I seem to be having a problem getting some of the formatting
> tactics to work
> with FOP 0.20.3.
> 1) How do I insert a blank line into a cell in a table object? I
> have tried
> adding a new <fo:block> with no success, inserting a block, does seem to
> terminate the existing line and start a newline, but in the case
> of no data
> (or whitespace data) it seems to be ignored. So for instance if I
> have this:
> 1. <fo:table width="8in" table-layout="fixed">
> 2.    <fo:table-column column-number="1"/>
> 3.    <fo:table-body>
> 4.            <fo:table-row>
> 5.                    <fo:table-cell column-number="1">
> 6.                            <fo:block>
> 7.                                    Section 1: This is section 1 text.
> 8.                                    <fo:block>   </fo:block>
> 9.                                    <fo:block>
> 10.                                           Section 2: This is
> section 2 text.
> 11.                                   </fo:block>
> 12.                           </fo:block>
> 13.                   </fo:table-cell>
> 14.           </fo:table-row>
> 15.   </fo:table-body>
> 16. </fo:table>
> I get the following in my PDF
> Section 1: This is section 1 text.
> Section 2: This is section 2 text.
> When I was hoping for :
> Section 1: This is section 1 text.
> Section 2: This is section 2 text.
> 2. How do I format text (bold etc) with different formats in a
> fo:block. For
> instance if I want to make the sections of the previous example
> bold. I can
> accomplish this by wrapping them in their own fo:blocks, but that
> generates
> an unwanted newline.
> Thanks all for your help!!
> C
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