The way that text is inserted in the pdf is specifically so that the
output file is smaller. The output only needs to follow the positioning
of the text the concept of absolute does not translate to the output.
("all those line break" are necessary, it needs whitespace between

It can only do this relative move if the text has the same y-coord, the
same font and the same colour.
So if you change one of these it will be forced to do what you want.

So your options are to change something between the three block areas or
change the source code for the FOP you use (which will increase the size
of your pdf output files).

On Tue, 2002-05-14 at 14:39, Enrico Horn wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a problem with FOP-0.20.3 and way its generating
> the pdf output of absolut positioned block-containers.
> Here is my problem:
> (Text has been modified to protect the innocent)
> I define block containers in a page-sequence like this:
> <fo:block-container height="1.5cm" width="5cm" top="18.5cm" left="4cm" 
> position="absolute">
>       <fo:block text-align="start" line-height="10pt" font-family="Helvetica" 
> font-size="8pt">
>               some text
>       </fo:block>
> </fo:block-container>
> <fo:block-container height="1.5cm" width="5cm" top="18.5cm" left="9cm" 
> position="absolute">
>       <fo:block text-align="start" line-height="10pt" font-family="Helvetica" 
> font-size="8pt">
>               some more text
>       </fo:block>
> </fo:block-container>
> <fo:block-container height="1.5cm" width="5cm" top="18.5cm" left="14cm" 
> position="absolute">
>       <fo:block text-align="start" line-height="10pt" font-family="Helvetica" 
> font-size="8pt">
>               even more text
>       </fo:block>
> </fo:block-container>
> As you can see all of the block containers share the same height,width and 
> top.the only difference is the
> positioning for left.
> Now that is what Fop generates in the pdf:
> /F1 8 Tf
> 0.0 Tc
> 1 0 0 1 141.731 268.217 Tm [(some text) 0.0 Tc
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
> Definition of the Text Matrix
> -11437.625 (some more text) 0.0 Tc
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 
> relative positioning
> -11326.5 (even more text) ] TJ
> As you can see only the first block is positioned absolut(it has a text 
> matrix defined) all
> others are defined relative to the first one which is exactly what i dont 
> want(besides all those line break
> that seem to blow up the size of the file).
> My question:
> Any way to change that so that all blocks are generated absolut?
> Thanks for your help
> It is very appreciated in this matter.
> Enrico Horn
> P.S.Please dont ask why I need this behaviour, I need it and would expect 
> it from the way
> I define my xsf-fo.

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