OK, done in my copy. I'll post it again next week

    <simpleType name = "border_margin_width_Type">
        <!-- "fo:width_Type{1,4} fo:inherit_Type" -->
                        <union memberTypes="fo:width_Type 
            <xs:minLength value="1" />
            <xs:maxLength value="4" />


Oleg Tkachenko wrote:

> Hello!
> Another problem: border-width doesn't understand "1px" value, my 
> proposal is to extend border_margin_width_Type to allow non negative 
> length values:
>  <simpleType name="border_margin_width_Type">
>     <restriction>
>       <simpleType>
>         <list>
>           <simpleType>
>             <union memberTypes="fo:width_Type 
> fo:non-negative-length_Type"/>
>           </simpleType>
>         </list>
>       </simpleType>
>       <minLength value="1"/>
>       <maxLength value="4"/>
>     </restriction>
>     <!-- "fo:width_Type{1,4} fo:inherit_Type" -->
>   </simpleType>
> Where non-negative-length_Type is defined as
> <!-- A non negative signed length value where a 'length' is a real 
> number plus a unit qualification. A property may define additional 
> constraints on the value. -->
>   <simpleType name="non-negative-length_Type">
>     <restriction base="NMTOKEN">
>       <pattern value="[+]?\d+\.?\d*(px|pt|mm|cm|in|em)"/>
>     </restriction>
>   </simpleType>

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