
On Mon, 2002-06-24 at 15:20, Sam Ruby wrote:
>     [style] Transforming into 
>     [style] Processing /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/src/codegen/CourierBold.xml to 
>     [style] Loading stylesheet 
>     [style] Processing /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/src/codegen/Courier.xml to 
>     [style] home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/build/src/codegen/font-file.xsl:0:0: Fatal 
>Error! java.lang.RuntimeException: Programmer assertion is incorrect! - Namespace 
>context can not be null! Cause: java.lang.RuntimeException: Programmer assertion is 
>incorrect! - Namespace context can not be null!
>     [style] Failed to process /home/rubys/jakarta/xml-fop/src/codegen/Courier.xml

If you need some info to fix this.
I tried the latest releases of the xalan (and ant, xerces, xml-apis) and
the same problem occurs.

This is the statment in ant that is causing the problem:

<style basedir="src/codegen" includes="*.xml"

The first transform is working correctly (so if I keep running it it
will eventually transform all of the files) but the second transform
gets the exception.

So it would appear to be a problem with some value not being reset.

Do you need any more info?


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