On Thu, 2002-06-27 at 14:39, Joerg Pietschmann wrote:
> +1 on omitting the design doc completely in bin distributions.
> Should probably omit skin source and xsl too.

+1 also.

> I'm not sure about PDF, apparently there are not much requests
> for this format.
> What's larger:
> - PDF
> - xdocs +  *2document.xsl + document2fo + build mechanism for building PDF
>   (includes ant.jar?)
> - xdocs + full xsl + build mechanism for building PDF
> This may need some explanation: We have documents using a generic
> document.dtd and some documents liks FAQs which have to be
> transformed into document.dtd xdocs before the final skin
> document2html.xsl can be applied. When using ant for building,
> this requires either temporary files (current solution) or a
> custom task for the transformation pipelines (or Cocoon CLI)

Isn't this the whole idea of forrest.
We simply write our docs. Forrest supplies the skin and sitemap and we
run the Cocoon using "java" ant task.

eg. in forrest they do this:
    <java classname="org.apache.cocoon.Main" fork="true"
dir="${dir.containing.docs}" failonerror="true">
... args and classpath ...

The hardest part is copying all the right files across.

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