> As I am trying to get my arms around FOP, I am finding some things that I
> probably ought to propose as changes to the documentation, but I am confused
> about the mechanism for doing so.
> 1. It appears that the main documentation deliverable is the HTML pages that
> are on the web site and included in the distribution. Is that correct? Has
> any thought been given toward using FOP to generate PDF manuals, perhaps
> broken down between user and developer issues?

The ant target "pdfdoc" should generate a PDF from the documenation. I
don't know if it works right now. I'll check it out next week.

> 2. Are doc change proposals intended to work the same way that source
> changes do -- ie. submit a patch to a committer? Or, is the doc function
> centralized? If the former, then continue with the remaining questions. If
> the answer is the latter, then to whom should documentation change requests
> be made?

Same as source. Send a patch, we review it and apply it to CVS if
everything's ok.

> 3. Running "build.sh usage" indicates that "build.sh docs" should build the
> html documentation. There is no target for "docs", but there is one for
> "htmldoc". This appears to be a bug, for which I will submit a patch after I
> am more confident that I understand what should be happening.

That's a matter of conventions, but not really a bug. Maybe we should
simply have a target "docs" that calls htmldoc and pdfdoc. I'll check
that out, too.

> 4. Running "build.sh htmldoc" fails:
>       /u/vic/xml-fop/build.xml:658: Could not find file
> /u/vic/xml-fop/docs/xml-docs/fop.xml to copy.
> My CVS download of the fop-0_20_2-maintain branch does not have this file
> anywhere (updated 7-22-02, approx 8:00 GMT). This is what makes me think
> that the doc function is perhaps centralized (??).

The docs were recently removed from the maintenance branch. All
documentation is now only in the main branch so there's less work on
docs maintenance. So probably we may just need to remove the doc
generation stuff from build.xml. If you want to build the docs yourself,
check out the main branch of FOP which includes the docs.

> I'm sorry if these are newbie questions. The good news is that after you all
> give me the answers, I will attempt to document them for the next guy.
> Thanks.

That's cool. The problems all seem to result from a not fully finished
process of reorganizing our documentation. I'll have some time during
the next weeks to see into this. But if you provide helpful patches,
even better.

Jeremias Märki

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