Hi foppers

I will be away for the next two weeks (until 2002-09-01) on a trip to
Austria. Sorry for not contributing much during the last week (sunny
weather at last, reorganizing the planned bike trip from Passau to
Vienna (A lot of confidence to all the people suffering from the
flood-disasters around the world)).

When I get back I'll still have two weeks of holidays in which I plan to
do the following:
- Set up a detailed code convention document as discussed recently (I'll
  need your opinions)
- Set up checkstyle
- Go over the HEAD codebase to rework the sources according to the
  upcoming code conventions.
- Get the API ball rolling again
- Do some more Avalon-related preparation work (logging, cfg)

In the meantime, would it be possible to finish the Forrest stuff? That
would be very cool. If not, would it make sense if I took it over to

And another thing, I'm still missing the opinions from some of the
committers on the question about focusing our effort. We still need to
get to an agreement here. IMO this is very important. Thanks!

Jeremias Maerki

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