Balajee Chandrasekaran wrote:
 > I want to change the font width of  my report. Basically I want to accomodate
 > more charaters perline of the report. So I beleive I have to reduce the font
 > width of the characters so as to squeeze in more characters.
 > I'm usinf FOP 0.20.4. I tried using "fot-stretch" property. But FOP gave me
 > [ERROR] property - "font-stretch" is not implemented yet.
 > Is there any errorin my usage of the property??

Not really. It just isn't implemented.
Also, it isn't really recommended to use this property, because
it may distort the writing, especially for smaller font sizes.

this would expand the characters, rather than makeing them narrower.

 > How else can i acheive my objective?
Use another font, or try to get a "narrow" or "condensed" variant of the
font you want to use.


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