Hi, wonder if anyone can help.

I am trying to set the user configuratuion file with FOP embedded in my

         java.io.BufferedOutputStream bufferedOutputStream = null;
         org.apache.fop.apps.Driver   driver               = null;
         java.io.ByteArrayInputStream byteArrayInputStream = null;

         // file to write output to
         bufferedOutputStream = new java.io.BufferedOutputStream (
outputStream );

         // create FOP object with arguments, and run it
         byteArrayInputStream = new java.io.ByteArrayInputStream
            ( this.writeXML ( document, true ).getBytes ( ) );
         driver = new org.apache.fop.apps.Driver ( new
org.xml.sax.InputSource ( byteArrayInputStream ), bufferedOutputStream );

         // render pdf to file
         driver.setRenderer ( driver.RENDER_PDF );
         driver.run ( );

         // close file
         bufferedOutputStream.close ( );

I would like to specify some options for loading custom fonts.

Has anyone done this or know how to load a user config file in code. ANy
help would be appreciated.



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