I am trying to convert following XML file to PDF format using FOP. But it goes into infinite loop. Can somebody help me in figuring out why this is happening?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
  <AnnuityOption Seq="1">
   <Name DocID="442071" StartOffset="158539" FootNote="">Life Annuity</Name>
   <InterestCharge DocID="442071" StartOffset="166915" FootNote="">&lt;p&gt;Fixed Annuity payments are the same each month. We determine the dollar
amount of each Fixed Annuity payment using the fixed portion of your Adjusted
Account Value and the applicable Annuity Payment Rates. These will be either (1)
the rates in your Contract, which are based on a minimum guaranteed interest
rate of 3% per year, compounded annually, or (2) new rates we have published and
are using on the Annuity Commencement Date, if they are more favorable. See
''Annuity Payment Rates.''&lt;/p&gt;</InterestCharge>
   <Assumed_Inv_Rate DocID="442071" StartOffset="165353" FootNote="">3</Assumed_Inv_Rate>

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