On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 18:55, Victor Mote wrote:
> Fair enough. I submitted and Keiron committed to the CVS repository this
> past week a document that attempts to do a better job of this. It combines
> the "implemented" and "limitations" pages with a complete list of the
> objects and properties in the standard. It has a place to list comments. I
> am not sure what the cycle is for updating our web site from the CVS docs
> right now, but I think that document will be visible after the next update.
> The truth is that this document will need to be heavily updated to give the
> complete picture, but I think it is a step in the right direction, and gives
> us a place to pull this information together. I encourage you to look for it
> on the FOP web site(entitled "Compliance"), and then help us get it cleaned
> up. If you don't want to download & change the CVS, send your comments to me
> & I'll work on getting them into the doc.
> Some of our most valuable developers have invested quite a bit into getting
> the documentation system more automated (using Apache Forrest). That is
> starting to bear fruit, but the truth is that our doc content has gotten a
> bit backed up while that effort was underway. If you have an interest in
> helping us get the doc up to speed, then you jumped in a good time.

Currently the document updating process is manual (but a lot easier than
Now that current cvs fop can handle the documents a lot better I will do
an update once the content is improved.

So keep the updates coming and other things like fo examples are always


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