Keiron Liddle wrote:
On Tue, 2002-11-19 at 15:07, Peter B. West wrote:

If possible I think we should try to avoid making multiple passes since
it can lead to loops etc. The table layout auto will need at least two
passes but this should be possible using the layout managers.

Is that a "should be" or an "is"? Given your recent concerns about the rapidly increasing complexity of your design, do you have a feasible solution for auto layout?

There is no "is" until it starts working, I haven't tried to do it yet.
There is no "possible" when it starts working.

You have, of course, read my notes on this topic. If, by some mischance, you have not, you'll find them in the section of the web page. When you get around to migrating it to forrest, that is. When is that likely to be, by the way?

Yes I have read it, but it doesn't exactly explain the specifics. Also
doing certain things for each line area, yes it could work, no I don't
like the possible results.

Well there is no one stopping you from migrating them.
You broke it; you fix it.

So how do we deal with all these things without making it really slow
and complicated.
I would suggest just getting it working.  If that ever happens,
1) I will be pleasantly surprised
2) you can then worry about making it faster.

I could just do it, special cases can use special techniques provided it
doesn't effect normal cases too much.

In my view, and here we differ, auto layout is not a special case. It is the litmus test of the design. I believe that the design can and should be such that the easy cases are special, simplified, cases of the general solution.

If it doesn't happen, then, when I have finished my work on properties, I will design and implement the layout engine, and it *will* work. Before then, however, the whole exercise may have been rendered academic by Sun.
"Lord, to whom shall we go?"

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