Oleg Tkachenko wrote:
Wow, not a bad idea. But what about web.xml and servlet.jar, which is required to build it? If it's in main build script we have to be more careful, otherwise it can be one more fop-user-traffic-generator.
web.xml: keep it with the *.java.
servlet.jar: provide a property for the location, defaulting
to lib/servlet.jar. Conditionalize the servlet compilation
on availability of ${servlet.jar}. Users can either copy a
servlet.jar to the lib directory, or use a
on the command line (or whatever the proper Ant syntax is for
defining properties for the CLI).

BTW what about splitting the apps directory ...
I believe it should be done in context of FOP decomposition and avalonization.
Me too. I think, however, some "release early" is called for.
The api directory should contain primarily interfaces and some
classes like FOPException which are primarily used by anyone
who wants to use FOP in some Java program. Sort of TrAX for
XSLFO. As long as the classes in apps are kept, not much harm
should be caused by some experiments there.


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