J.Pietschmann wrote:

> Well, the cvs commit command has to be invoked from within the checked out
> tree. Otherwise no commit message is mailed at all.
> For example
> $pwd
> $CWD is /usr/pietsch/gnu/fop
> $cvs checkout xml-fop
> $...
> Change to xml-fop before committing at this place.
> $ cd xml-fop
> $ cvs commit
> No parameters necessary. If the command asks you for a module to commit,
> or for logging in again, you made something wrong.
> BTW I'm subscribed to fop-cvs with my spam-filtered address and have no
> problems.

The commit was working, and I could even see that it was trying to create a
mail message -- it just wasn't getting mailed.

I followed Oleg's suggestion of switching my subscription to fop-cvs to my
apache.org mailing address & that seems to have fixed the problem. I am not
sure how to reconcile that with your experience -- maybe it just has to be
touched & maybe there is more than one way to do that. I guess I don't care
enough to find out. Thank you both for your help.

BTW, it is good to have you back.

Victor Mote

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