pbwest      2002/12/21 19:36:11

  Added:       docs/design/alt.design layoutmanagers.xml
  Cleaning up.
  Revision  Changes    Path
  1.1                  xml-fop/docs/design/alt.design/layoutmanagers.xml
  Index: layoutmanagers.xml
  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
  <!DOCTYPE document PUBLIC "-//APACHE//DTD Documentation V1.1//EN"
  <!-- $Id: layoutmanagers.xml,v 1.1 2002/12/22 03:36:11 pbwest Exp $ -->
      <title>Layout managers</title>
        <person name="Peter B. West" email="[EMAIL PROTECTED]"/>
        <title>Layout managers in FOP</title>
        What do the layout managers do?  Most layout is is "automatic"
        in the sense of being a straightforward stacking operation.
        Sibling inline-areas, including fo:character areas, are
        stacked in line-areas in the inline-progression-direction.
        Sibling block-areas, including line-areas, are stacked in the
        In the simple cases in which both the available
        block-progression-dimension and the available
        inline-progression-dimension are known, this process can be
        driven bottom-up.  Available dimensions trickle down from the
        top, and the bottom level galleys can determine when their
        available areas are full and suspend pending the arrival of
        more areas.  Such full notifications bubble back up the tree
        of active galleys.  E.g., if an inline galley fills a
        line-area of a given inline-p-d and suspends while still
        within the available block-p-d, the parent block-area galley
        will simply stack the inline-area and notify the inline galley
        to continue.  If the inline-galley discovers that the next
        line-area that it would generate will not fit in the the
        block-p-d, it suspends with a notification to that effect to
        its parent.  
        In more complex cases the dimensions may not be fully
        specified, or decisions about layout may depend on later
        layout.  In all such cases some layout look-ahead is required
        which can report results back to higher layout levels.  The
        job for a layout manager in these cirucmstances is to evaluate
        the information flowing back and set parameters for the best
        fit layout.

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