> I think that the reason resources are not forthcoming
> is because of the barriers to entry that we have raised,
> the largest being that, if you want to work on the code,
> you really only get to work on the code that doesn't run.
> For most people, that is a no starter. I think when the
> trunk works reasonably well, resources will appear again.


        You describe my situation exactly here.  I would be working on FOP
development to get inline containers working right now if such work was
possible to be done on the maintenance branch.

        However, the dynamic that any work that I contribute to the trunk might not
see the light of day in the time frame of my project has restricted me to
guiding my project within the limitations of the maintenance branch until I
get my version 1.0 out.  Then, I might be able to work on the trunk, and I'm
secretly hoping that it will be in good working shape by that time.

        That said, I probably would have been on the redesign bandwagon were I
around before, because I've got all of the qualities mentioned in that
article of why programmers do that.  I very much enjoyed the article, and I
think it speaks a lot of wisdom that accords with what I've seen in the
past.  I will think twice the next time a rewrite from scratch is proposed.

        I certainly think it describes in spades everything that was wrong with the
whole Netscape/Mozilla effort.

Patrick Rusk

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