J.Pietschmann schrieb:


Ouch. I don't think we can distribute FOP without english
Sure we *can* ;-)  But if it's a good thing ...

I just had another look at the LPPL and the other files.
The LPPL file I examined seems to be harmless. The license
says we can distribute the hyphenation XML file as derived
from the original TeX hyphenation file as long as there is
a pointer/URL to the original "The Program". It's not quite
clear to me what "The Program" is in case of the hyphenation
file, but it doesn't seem to include much more than the
hyphenation file itself, in this case, as there isn't much
more in the directory. The only other condition is that
the file must have another name (no problem).
And IMHO (and IANAL etc.) this is the crux as the Apache Software
License does not forbid renamming the files.
Yes, that's hairsplitting and comletly against common sense
but remember we're talking about legal issues her.

I think we are safe for the source distribution including
LPPL hyphenation files.
A binary distribution is another matter because of the compiled
*.hyph files, which are obviously derived. But again it should
Hu? Above you said the XML files are also derived. What's the
difference between source and binary distribution?


As for the other files, I think es.xml is safe too. While
there's mentioned the source was taken from Lout, it does not
put it automatically under GPL, and there is a license further
down the file which reads roughly like the artistic license.


And, well, I hope our PetroBras friend changed enough of the
pt.xml to claim copyright, as he assigned it summarily to
the ASF... nice, but a real legal burden! I checked it in, but
now I think I should have asked for a paper first.
So I'll remove it for RC2 and it will hopefully be resolved till the final release.

I had another look at the files and the following seem to be ok too:
en_GB.xml - may be freely distributed.
it.xml - Use of the original work granted by the author


P.S. Yes I'm rushing a bit but I'll be on holiday from tomorrow till sunday and I want to make the RC before leaving.

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