Not a specialist on Forrest or Cocoon, yet, but I think it probably
needs among other things an additional map:match element with a custom
stylesheet, such as the one for the compliance document. So if you
converted the HTML to XHTML you could probably write an XSLT stylesheet
to add the JavaScript stuff. Just what's going though my head. I hope it
helps anyway. Probably best if you asked on Forrest mailing list, too.

Is this what you're looking for?

On 28.02.2003 16:55:12 Peter B. West wrote:
> I have been able to eliminate the need for frames in my documantation by 
> getting dynamic inline frames to work in NS7.0, Mozilla 1.2.1 and IE6. 
> This requires that a javascript file be included in each of the affected 
> files.  I need some advice on how best to get this to work with Forrest. 
>   Do I need to include some form of redundant lining to the htmlized 
> code files?  Can I otherwise express such files (with javascript: links) 
> in XML?  Does anyone know how I can get JavaSRc that Nicola mentioned.
> I would like to clean up the documentation as much as possible.

Jeremias Maerki

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