On 28.05.2003 20:58:32 Clay Leeds wrote:
> On 5/28/2003 12:02 AM, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
> > A comment concerning the hyphenation patterns: I think what you suggest
> > is necessary but there was also the idea of sparing the average FOP user
> > the necessity to dig into licensing issues. A really frustrating
> > experience. Just for the record. :-)
> > 
> > On 27.05.2003 19:42:19 Clay Leeds wrote:
> >>   3.9. Hyphenation does not work.
> >>
> >>   Set the language attribute somewhere. Check whether you use a
> >>   language for which hyphenation is supported. Supported languages
> >>   can be deduced from the files in the hyph directory of the FOP
> >>   source distribution.
> While I agree we should "spare" the average user of licensing issues, my 
> point is that there are places where the average user can legally 
> download the same hyph patterns Apache cannot incorporate into their 
> products for licensing reasons. As long as they are links to pages (I 
> don't recommend links to the files themselves! ;-p), it would seem 
> helpful to provide such links.

That's what I have done, although there is only one really good link I
know of. Most others are mirrors of the first.

> The average user may not have to deal 
> with the licensing issues the Apache Foundation has to deal with (they 
> may have to "deal" with them, but may be in their rights to use them or 
> to fulfill the licensing requirements to use them).

That's why I've added a clearly visible warning at the bottom that tells
people to pay attention to the licences (or the lack of them).

> As for the Hyphenation FAQ, it's so brief it begs to have questions 
> submitted to fop-user by anyone having hyphenation problems. I, for one, 
> still don't even understand how it works. It would be great to merely 
> put something like this:

Already done something.

> Hyphenation
> ===========
> You can find an example of implementing hyphenation patterns in this 
> example xsl-fo document:
>    examples\fo\basic\hyphen.fo

Good idea. This could still be added.

> The relevant code for adding hyphenation to an fo:block is:
>    language="en"
>    country="US"
>    hyphenate="true"
>    hyphenation-push-character-count="2"
>    hyphenation-remain-character-count="2"
> [..]
> Of course, I still don't know how to apply a language attribute to my 
> XML source file. The XML Bible Gold Edition shows this:
> <q xml:lang="fr-FR" 
> cite="ftp://movie0.archive.org/pub/etext/etext01/swann10h.htm";
>  >
> Longtemps, je me suis couche' de bonne heure[..]
> </q>

This is fine. You only need to translate the xml:lang to XSL:FO language
and country properties in your stylesheet. I wonder why they specified
language/country instead of using xml:lang.

> After reading this, I would try adding the following to my document:
> <doc xml:lang="en-US">
> <EOB>
> <children-of-EOB>Yeehaw!</children-of-EOB>
> <paragraph-pertaining-to-EOB-children>Yata yata yata 
> </paragraph-pertaining-to-EOB-children>
> [..]
> </EOB>
> </doc>
> (or I could use <doc xml:lang="en-GB"> or merely <doc xml:lang="en"> 
> because of our current licensing problems)...
> BTW, how does one allow the en-GB hyphenation pattern (which is included 
> with the FOP distribution) to work for en-US (which I believe isn't 
> included due to licensing issues)? I remember someone mentioning 
> somewhere a workaround, but I don't recall what it was. Something like 
> naming it "en" instead of "en-GB" or something.

Just rename en-GB.xml to en.xml and rebuild FOP.

Jeremias Maerki

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