
Thanks for the note! I'll POST it... BTW...

On 6/3/2003 9:09 AM, Jeremias Maerki wrote:
BTW, it's funny. I also wondered if the xsl:include shouldn't be
top-level. But after I made his text.xsl well-formed (!) the FO got
generated just fine on my machine. Strange.

I'm guessing, that it was "well-formed" however, it probably did not "validate"... at least not if he used a DTD or "proper"(?) SCHEMA which had "xsl:include" in the proper place (at the top level of xsl:stylseheet).

[OT] This type of well-formed-ness/valid issue bit me in the rear, as I was under the impression Internet Explorer validated XML files if a DTD were attached. It does *not* (one beta version of 5--or was it 5.5?--did, but they ended up shipping versions of IE 5+ checking only for well-formedness). I ended up getting our programmers (who write the code which output the XML which I apply XSL-FO stylesheets to generate PDF & print, etc.) to install XMLValidator on their Windows boxen:

I could've had them use xalan or some other JAVA tool, but opted for this tool as an alternative to my Windows running brethren...
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