I was looking at how the Driver class initializes its
FOTreeBuilder instance with formatting object
ElementMappings.  This currently occurs in three ways:

1.)  Driver explicitly adds three default element
mappings (FO, SVG, FOP extension) to its FOTreeBuilder
2.)  Driver searches META-INF/services directory for
additional user-defined extension mappings, adds them
3.)  Driver provides two forms of addElementMapping()
functions for embedded users to explicitly add more

(Jeremias explained #2 and #3 process here: 

I see two possible changes for 1.0dev:

1.)  For standard reasons of encapsulation/modular
design, also potential future deprecation of the
Driver class, I would like to make the FOTreeBuilder
more standalone.  In particular, have (1) and (2) done
within the FOTreeBuilder code itself as part of its

For (3), we may still need to retain the Driver
addElementMapping() functions for backwards
compatibility.  But I would like to have them just
wrap new functions of the same name in the
FOTreeBuilder code:

i.e., Driver's:
    public void addElementMapping(ElementMapping
mapping) {

will now be:
    public void addElementMapping(ElementMapping
mapping) {

2.)  Moving forward, I would like to see the
ElementMapping interface deprecated, and instead have
the mapping classes extend an "ElementMap" base class.
 Features of this base class would be:  

a)  This base class would have two public member
variables:  (1) the URL and (2) its fOObjs HashMap,
for the FOTreeBuilder to use for attaching the

b)  Instead of the ElementMapping-implementing class
attaching itself to the FOTreeBuilder (via
"addToBuilder" function defined in the interface), the
FOTreeBuilder will do the attaching of the ElementMap
subclass.  (This will allow the FOTreeBuilder code to
do some error-checking prior to accepting the
extension class.)

c)  The ElementMap base class and its subclasses will
have no reference to an FOTreeBuilder object.  They
will be standalone, can be attached to things besides
an FOTreeBuilder, and will work even if the
FOTreeBuilder class is removed.

Let me know if this seems advisable--if desired, I can
try to submit patches on one or both of these.


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