On 7/1/2003 8:22 AM, Clay Leeds wrote:
This is just a guess, but perhaps you're running FOP headless (there's no monitor?). This FAQ might provide a workaround:


I have a question or two about the "headless" FAQ. This's only mentioned in the Graphics/Batik section. However, the quote says:

Batik must be run in a graphical environment. It uses AWT classes for rendering SVG, which in turn require an X server on Unixish systems. If you run a server without X, or if you can't connect to the X server due to security restrictions or policies (a so-called "headless" environment), SVG rendering will fail.

Unless I'm reading this wrong, this means the "headless" problem is directly related to AWT, and because Batik "uses AWT classes for rendering SVG" it is also indirectly affected. Am I correct? If so, should the "headless" FAQ really be in an AWT section, and the Batik section provide a reference to the AWT headless issue, rather than the current way it's shown?

BTW, the FAQ shows the first workaround as:

If you are using JDK 1.4, start it with the -Djava.awt.headless=true command line option.

Is that supposed to be "-D java.awt.headless=true" ?

On a somewhat-related issue, since I tend to run FOP from the command line interface (CLI), I'm always interested in the arguments I can pass through via the CLI. I haven't seen the above CLI argument documented anywhere. What other CLI args are there which aren't documented in the "help" which is displayed if you don't pass FOP the correct args?
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