On Sun, 6 Jul 2003, Glen Mazza wrote:

> Oh, good--we're in agreement here.  (Usually not good for one to argue
> too much with the President, non-profit or not ;)

You are safer off ignoring that silly hat of mine altogether most of the
time - and consider me just one of your peers (though perhaps more
obnoxious than most); until such moment I am actually wearing the hat

The latter is generally signaled by a different 'From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]'
and a clear .signature at the bottom :-)

But seriously - if you want the authoritative board@ answer on anything
_SPECIFIC_, checked with our tamed legal experts, then do let me/board@
know. The tigher the question, the quicker/better the answer. But given
the particulars in this case - I thoughd we'd be better off with an answer
about the general principles.


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