Commons IO is currently in a state of flux while it is being refactored.
I think it is a bit premature to fix the deprecation warnings just now,
and it doesn't hurt in HEAD's current state. I'll do the necessary
changes when I feel that Commons IO is ready. Ok for you guys?

I'll see what I can do about the nightly build, though.

Sorry for not being around so much lately. Too many things cooking at
the same time...

On 16.08.2003 18:32:06 Victor Mote wrote:
> Victor Mote wrote:
> > BTW, there are some deprecation warnings coming from gump also. I haven't
> > had a chance to look into them yet.
> They are related related to our dependency on jakarta-commons-io, which we
> will need to upgrade to get the warnings to disappear. Since this is a
> "sandbox" project, it doesn't have a nightly build, at least not one linked
> from the jakarta web site. Building it from scratch turns out to be
> non-trivial, at least for me. I'm just going to leave it alone for now.
> Jeremias, if you know how to get a convenient updated build, that would be a
> big help.

Jeremias Maerki

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