
I'm inclined to keep 0.20.x out of 1.0.  There's too
much a risk that merging the two apps into one is
going to create a bunch of mush.  I don't have any
problem with maintaining both a development and a
release version--that's just about how every other
Apache team operates. 
Having studied both the PDF Renderer in the old and
the new architecture, and the AWT Renderer in the old
(so I could implement some of it in the new)--the
layout is incompatible with the Area Tree and the
Renderers.  You'd have to bring those in as well.  

Also, it is clear that the inventors of the 1.0 layout
system were quite knowlegable of the 0.20.x
system--they improved on it--for the 10% of it I
understand, it appears to be in every way a better
architecture (indeed, I would call *it* the 'simple'
package)--it just needs more work to be complete.

IMO multiple layout strategies have a value in two

(1.) Where (a) layout strategies follow different
philosophies, say one LS is for ultra-detailed
graphics, while the other is fast document generation,
and (b) these strategies are so significant that they
can't be handled by compiler switches.


(2.)  To allow/encourage committers like Peter, on
their own, to come up and test alternative designs
that may be better without needing to recode an entire

0.20.x isn't satisfying these cases--because 1.0 is
designed to be better than it--(although, if/when
Peter returns, Alt-Design might).

Like you, I want to get more people--both developers
and users--into 1.0.  Perhaps another way of doing
that would be for you to sink your teeth into the 1.0
renderers--PDF, and feel free to lend me a hand in
AWT.  PDF might be 70% of our audience.  If we can get
1.0 PDF reasonably up to the level of 0.20.x--it's
maybe halfway there already--we will then have a
pretty good 1.0 user base.  Also, the work that you 
do for the PDF renderer--bouncing back and forth
between layout, the area tree, and its renderer--also
helps me with AWT because much of it is the same code.


--- Victor Mote <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Optimistically assuming for a moment that I can get
> the maintenance branch
> layout ported into the trunk world (I can almost

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