Patch applied!  But please be careful to keep all
if-statements within braces--for the second patch, the
change at line 500 made the code look somewhat vague
as to your intentions (see below--I fixed it though).

(...previous { somewhere...)
if (alpha != 255) 
   hasMask = true;
   result[count++] = (byte)((val >> 16) & 0xFF);
   result[count++] = (byte)((val >> 8) & 0xFF);
   result[count++] = (byte)((val) & 0xFF);


--- Thomas DeWeese <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've attached a
> tiny
> patch that fixes this for the PDFTextPainter.
>     I also have attached a patch for PDFGraphics2D.
> The patch has two parts - the first is the more
> important
> of the two.

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