Hyphenation problem in Bug 23985

Actually, implementing UTR14 would solve the line breaking problem, although not the URL breaking problem.

Points to discuss:
- JDK 1.4 has a java.text.BreakIterator, which implements UTR14, or
 at least the parts releant for western languages (can't see them
 dealing with Thai properly).
 The questions
  + Can somebody verify this class is already available in JDK 1.3?
  I already deletetd the 1.3 docs, and can't be bothered to reinstall
  + Can this class really be leveraged? We probably need to supply
  a CharacterIterator which computes running line width into a global
  state, and check after each return of the iterator wehther the line
  is full. This might fit well with getNextBreak(), but I have
  difficulties to see how this would interact with hyphenation.
- Should we provide for custom line breaking algorithms?
 Some languages/scripts like Thai almost certainly require augmenting
 any stock line breaking algorithms. However, the problem seems to
 be more clever breaking of non-natural-languaage stuff, like URL.
 We can leave this completely to the FO creators, forcing them for
  + use language="x-url" to turn off hyphenation locally
  + use glue characters line NBZWS to keep the stock line breaking
   algorithm to break after slashes
 The latter is quite intrusive.

I've got my own UTR14 implementation (simplified, of course), which
should appear on http://cvs.apache.org/~pietsch later this evening
for review. It uses a LineBreakStatus object for tracking the status,
which might be folded into the LayoutContext or a subclass used for
inline FOs and text.



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