--- John Austin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I just spent a while trying to understand
> PropertyList
> and PropertyListBuilder and found out that I need to
> understand Property and Property.Maker as well. I
> think
> I am going to have to help with this part of the
> project
> but it is going to take a while.
> I offered (off-line) to look merging the Alt-Design
> code
> in to the main branch but I suspect that there are
> some
> different directions associated with this. Perhaps
> this
> is the reason it has not been done so far. I am
> still willing
> to work on this but I don't want to walk in to a
> firefight.

It would be great if you can help us out--you may be
one of the few that can understand both Alt-Design and
our current approach in HEAD--plus you seem to be very
knowledgable in code optimization--what we need here.

May I suggest, start tentatively sketching out your
ideas for properties on our FOP wiki page--you'll
probably get comments from many of the other

> I believe the measurements I did yesterday and I
> feel that
> a bit of algorithm replacement should produce a
> significant
> improvement in the program. I would also like to
> suggest
> that anyone interested in performance look at Java
> Memory
> Profiler at
> http://www.khelekore.org/jmp/performance.html

That looks like a fantastic product for us--I did a
Google search on it as soon as I saw your screen shots
on it--thanks--we possibly should even add it to our
team page so others can critique our code as well.

> I suspect there are still major memory leaks in FOP
> and this
> is one tool that will help you track them down.

Yes, this is something that will help us get to


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