From: "J.Pietschmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Glen Mazza wrote:
1.)  The "Extensible Markup Language 1.0" title (the
one with a blue background) it not centered properly
within the block.  This is probably an issue within renderText() function.

This may be due to unstripped spaces, see next point.

Centering seems to be off by just one character.

In any case, justified text seems to be broken. I can't even figure out *where* text justification is done.

combination of LineLayoutManager.getNextBreakPoss and LineLayoutManager.makeLineBreak

Theres plently of TODOs and see Keirons note etc in there!


3.)  The inline font-variant="small caps" for
"Extensible Markup Language" in the Abstract section
is not working.  (However, I'm not trained in fonts at
all--this may be very difficult to fix.)

Well, in the maintenance code this was hacked in FOText.layout(), it checked for the font-variant and fed runs of lowercase letters to with a smaller font and uppercased to further processing in LineArea.addText() (through addRealText()). It's not out of the question to do the same in HEAD. Of course, it would be even better to check whether the font understands the small caps variant natively and try to take advantage of this first (there is a reason small caps is a variant, rather than everybody emulating it itself using uppercase and an 80% sized font). This requires extending FontState or something like this.

I may be able to provide the "hack" (as you described it)

Implementing small caps *efficiently*, well, this is probably a real challenge.

I dont think I'll have time for that.


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